- First Endorsers
- US Endorsers
- Basque Culture
- Catalan Endorsers
- Basque Diaspora
- European Parliament
- Irish Appeal
- Ecuador
- Spanish State

José Pepe Mújica
Montevideo, 1935
Senator and former President of Uruguay. Pepe Mujica is member of MPP and Uruguay´s Frente Amplio, he was a member of the guerrila movement MLN-T and was imprisoned for 13 years in very tough conditions.
Fernando Lugo
San Solano, 1951
Senator and former President of Paraguay. Fernando Lugo is a now laicized catolic bishop. He was destituted through a legal proceding that has been deemed a Coup d'Etat.
José Manuel Zelaya
Catacamas, 1952
President of Honduras from 2006 to 2009 he was ousted in the 2009 Coup d'état. He is currently a member in the Central American Parliament.
Lucía Topolansky
Montevideo, 1944
Senator. Lucía has been acting President on a number of occasions, due to her role as leader of the Senate's main political force. She is member of MPP and Uruguay´s Frente Amplio, she was a member of the MLN-T and was imprisoned 12 years. She is candidate to become Montevideo´s Mayor in the May 2015 elections.
Desmond Tutu
Klerksdorp, 1931
He encouraged nonviolent resistance to the apartheid regime, and advocated an economic boycott of the country as a result the government twice revoked his passport, and he was jailed briefly in 1980 after a protest march. He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his work and was later appointed as Chairman of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission by then President Nelson Mandela, to investigate apartheid-era crimes.
Mairead Maguire
Belfast, 1944
Mairead cofounded the Women for Peace, which later became the Community for Peace People, an organisation dedicated to encouraging a peaceful resolution of the Troubles in Ireland, she was awarded the Peace Nobel for her work, as well as the Norwegian People's Peace Prize, Carl von Ossietzky Medal and the Pacem in Terris award.
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Buenos Aires, 1931
He was secretary-general of Servicio Paz y Justicia (Peace and Justice Service or SERPAJ) a group that coordinates nonviolent movements in the region. In 1977, he himself was “disappeared” and was imprisoned and tortured by the Argentinean military for 14 months. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 for his leadership for human rights and true democracy for the people of Latin America.
Ahmed Kathrada
Schweizer-Reneke, 1929
Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada was one of the leaders of the non-racial, anti-apartheid struggle. Alongside Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo, he spent almost three decades in prison, most of them on Robben Island. He launched the Release Mandela Campaign. He is a retired Member of Parliament, and served as President Mandela’s Parliamentary Counsellor during Mandela’s term of office.
Angela Davis
Birmingham, Alabama, 1944
Angela Davis is a retired professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She was a leader of the Communist Party USA, and had close relations with the Black Panther Party. Her party membership led to Ronald Reagan's request in 1969 to have her barred from teaching at any university in the State of California. The "Free Angela Davis, Free all political prisoners" campaign was launched after she was imprisoned for the Marin County courthouse incident.
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas
Mexico City, 1934
He is the former Head of Government of the Federal District (He was the first to be democratically elected), founder of the Party of the Democratic Revolution he has stood three times as presidential candidate and is an Honorary President of the Socialist International.
Gerry Adams
Belfast, 1948
President of Sinn Féin and TD for Louth. Gerry Adams was part of the Sinn Féin negotiation team for the Good Friday Agreement. He is a ormer republican prisoner, he was interned in 1972 and imprisoned again in 1973 in Long Kesh.
Leyla Zana
Silvan, Diyarbakır Province, 1961
She was the first Kurdish woman to become Member of the Turkish Parliament. She was imprisoned for 10 years, she was awarded the Rafto Prize, and was awarded the Sakharov Prize by the European parliament. She also won the Bruno Kreisky Award.
Leila Khaled
Haifa, 1944
Leila Khaled is Member of the Palestinian National Council and the PFLP. Part of the Palestine Liberation Organization she is a well known Palestinian activist. She lives in Amman.
Ken Livingstone
Lambeth, London, 1945
He is a former Member of Parliament and has held twice the leading political role in London local government (as the Leader of the Greater London Council 1981-1986 and as 1st Mayor of London 2000-2008) He was a vocal opponent of the Conservative Party government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Livingstone has strongly supported republicanism, LGBT rights and a United Ireland as well as being clearly opposed to war.
Nora Morales de Cortiñas
Buenos Aires, 1930
Nora is a cofounder of Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, she is the president of Madres de la Plaza de Mayo linea fundadora and a recognised activist for Human Rights, as such she has received several honoris causa degrees.
Reverend Harold Good
Derry, 1937
President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, he was one of two independent witnesses, the other being Father Alec Reid, who oversaw the decommissioning of arms, a vital part of the peace process in the north of Ireland.
Helmuth Markov
Leipzig, 1952
Former MEP, Helmuth Markov is Minister of Justice and Europe and Consumer Protection, as well as Deputy Prime Minister in the state of Brandenburg.
Slavoj Žižek
Slavoj is a senior researcher at the Institute for Sociology and Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Global Distinguished Professor of German at New York University, and international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities.
Tariq Ali
Lahore, 1943
Ali is a writer and filmmaker. He has written more than two dozen books on world history and politics, and seven novels, as well as scripts for the stage and screen. He is an editor of New Left Review, and activist from a young age, he was elected president of the Oxford Union in 1965 and became publicly known for his opposition to the Vietnam war.
Pierre Galand
Uccle, Brussels, 1940
Defender of human rights and a fierce opponent to political imprisonment and torture as well as former Senator, Mr Galand is the president of the World Organisation against torture OMCT-Europe, the Belgian, Palestinian and Sahraouian solidarity associations and the Forum Nord Sud and member of other associations and grass root organisations.
Gershon Baskin, גרשון בסקין
New York, 1956
Gershon is the founder and Co-Chairman of IPCRI (Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information) dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is also a member of Israeli Palestinian Peace NGO Forum, and of the Israeli Board of One Voice Movement. He has been awarded the Histadrut Prize for Peace, and the Tribute of Honor and Courage from the World Movement for Democracy.
João Pedro Stédile
Lagoa Vermelha, 1953
National coordinator of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), He is firm defender of the agrarian reform in Brasil.
Carmen Lira
Mexico City, 1942
Carmen is the editor of La Jornada, the Mexican Newspaper and Professor in UNAM. Carmen Lira was a war correspondent in Nicaragua and foreign correspondent in Washington DC and China.
Fermin Muguruza
Irun, 1963
Fermin is a Basque musician, singer, songwriter, producer and documentary filmmaker. Fermin Muguruza has been involved in different cultural and musical projects.
Presented August 5
- Mumia Abu-Jamal.
- Leonard Peltier.
- Angela Davis. Retired professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Former leader of the Communist Party USA and Black Panthers.
- Alice Walker. American author and activist. She wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple (1982).
- Noam Chomsky. American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician, political commentator, social justice activist, and anarcho-syndicalist advocate.
- William Ramsey Clark. Former United States Attorney General. Lawyer and activist.
- Peter Coyote. American actor, author, director, screenwriter and narrator of films, theatre, television and audiobooks.
- Mike Farrell. American actor. He was co-chair of the California Human Rights Watch and president of Death Penalty Focus.
- Cornel Ronald West. American philosopher, academic, activist, author, public intellectual, and prominent member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
- Haskell Wexler. American cinematographer, film producer, and director.
- Mark Kurlansky. American journalist and writer of general interest non-fiction.
- William A. Douglass. Coordinator Emeritus of Basque Studies at University of Nevada.
- Dave Boling. Sports columnist for the Tacoma News Tribune and author of the novel Guernica.
- Joseba Zulaika. Professor of Basque studies and codirector of the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno.
- Rosalinda Guillen. A widely recognized farm worker and rural justice leader in the state of Washington.
- Cindy Lee Miller Sheehan. American antiwar activist, she was one of the nine founding members of Gold Star Families for Peace.
- Jeffrey St. Clair. An investigative journalist, writer and editor of CounterPunch and a contributing editor to “In These Times”.
- William (Bill) Gerald Fletcher, Jr. Writter and activist.
- Eva Golinger. Attorney and writer from New York, author of the best-selling book, “The Chavez Code”, amongst others.
- James Petras. Author of more than 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles in professional journals.
- Rick Halperin. Recognized international authority on the death penalty, genocide, slavery, human trafficking, torture and human rights.
- Jihad Abdulmumit. Co-chair of the National Jericho Movement for the release of political prisoners. Fomer prisoner.
- Peter Bohmer. Profesor. has been an activist in movements for radical social chance since 1967.
- Mark Burton. National Lawyers Guild (NLG) International Committee.
- John Catalinotto. Editor of Workers World weekly newspaper, organizer for the International Action Center.
- DR. James D. Cockcroft. Historian, sociologist, political analyst. Network of Intellectuals, Artists, and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity.
- Sara Flounders. American political writer active in 'progressive' and anti-war organizations. International Action Center.
- Nozomi Ikuta. Pastor of Denison Avenue United Church of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio and has served as co-chair of the Interfaith Prisoners of Conscience Project.
- Matt Meyer. War Resisters International Africa Support Network Coordinator; founding Chair, of the Peace and Justice Studies Association.
- David H. Price. American Antrophologist. He is a frequent contributor to CounterPunch, and is a member of the Network of Concerned Anthropologists.
- Simona Sharoni. Internationally-known feminist scholar, researcher and activist.
- Anari
- Lorea Agirre
- Ramón Agirre
- Asier Altuna “Kixi”
- Bernardo Atxaga
- Josu Ximun Billelabeitia
- Harkaitz Cano
- Idurre Eskisabel
- Telmo Esnal
- Lander Garro
- Ainara Gurrutxaga
- Itziar Ituño
- Miren Jaio
- Ander Lipus
- Maialen Lujanbio
- Ines Osinaga
- Jose Luis Otamendi
- Galder Pérez
- Danele Sarriugarte
- Eider Rodriguez
- Joseba Sarrionandia
- Gorka Urbizu
- Kirmen Uribe
- Zaldieroa
- Míriam Acebillo, Federació Catalana d'ONG
- Aureli Argemí, CIEMEN
- Jaume Asens, Barcelona en Comú
- Antoni Batista, periodista
- Jaume Botey, sociòleg
- Jaume Cabré, escriptor
- Salvador Cardús, sociòleg (UAB)
- Montserrat Carulla, actriu
- Laia Climent, editora de 3i4
- Narcís Comadira, poeta
- Josep Cruanyes, advocat
- David Fernàndez, CUP
- Armand de Fluvià, historiador
- August Gil Matamala, jurista
- Ricard Gomà, ICV
- Julià de Jòdar, escriptor
- Lluís Llach, cantant
- Miquel Àngel Llauger, poeta i Més per Mallorca
- Sergi López, actor
- Tomeu Martí, periodista i Grup Blanquerna
- Rita Marzoa, periodista
- Jaume Mateu, Obra Cultural Balear
- Mateu Morro, Unió de Pagesos de Mallorca
- Jordi Muñoz, politòleg
- Arcadi Oliveras, economista
- Vicent Partal, periodista
- Margalida Ramis, activista ecologista
- Carme Riera Jordà, activista cultural
- Carles Riera, CIEMEN
- Eva Serra, historiadora
- Gabriela Serra, activista pels drets humans
- Maria Suau, activista ecologista
- Joan Subirats, politòleg
- Joan Tardà, ERC
- Víctor Terradellas, CDC
- Feliu Ventura, cantant
- Ricard Vilaregut, politòleg

- Steve Mendive, NABO-ko lehendakari ohia, Boise
- Philippe Acheritogaray, Basque Studies Center Board member, NABO delegate
- Philippe Duhart, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
- Ina Martínez, Chino-ko Euskal Etxea
- Paquita Garatea, Boise-ko Euskal Etxea
- Rose Goyeneche, San Francisco Basque Cultural Center
- Unai Nafarrete, Baskerfield-eko Euskal Etxea
- Iñaki Recondo, San Francisco Basque Cultural Center
- Sebastian Colio, Seattle Euskal Etxea
- Geoff Bate, Seattle-ko Euskal Etxea
- Steve Lachaga, Regulatory and Risk Consultant, Rye, New York
- Mo Aristegui, "Appleseed Media" sortzailea, Yakima, Washington
- Maite Petotegui, Boise
- Adolph Martínez, North Carolina
- Alexander Recalde, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Luis Osa, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Beñat Santiso, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Mikel Larruskain, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Alberto Mandiola, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Aitzol Erkiaga, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Iñaki Aldazabal, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Ricardo Ruiz, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Jose Erkiaga, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Leon Shepard, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Julen Bereikua, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Fernando Lejardi, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Julian Guisasola, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Ruben Gonzalez, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida
- Jon Mugartegui, Jai Alai jokalari profesionala, Miami, Florida

- Marina Albiol (Izquierda Plural, GUE/NGL - Spanish State)
- Martina Anderson (Sinn Fein, GUE/NGL - Ireland)
- Malin Björk (Vänsterpartiet, GUE/NGL - Sweden)
- José Bové (Greens, Greens/EFA - France)
- Lynn Boylan (Sinn Fein, GUE/NGL - Ireland)
- Matt Carthy (Sinn Fein, GUE/NGL - Ireland)
- Mark Demesmaeker (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie, ECR - Flanders)
- Josu Juaristi (EH Bildu, GUE/NGL - Euskal Herria)
- Rina Ronja Kari (Folkebevægelsen, GUE/NGL - Denmark)
- Stelios Kouloglou (Syriza, GUE/NGL – Greece)
- Merja Kyllönen (VAS, GUE/NGL - Finland)
- Sander Loones (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie, ECR - Flanders)
- Ernest Maragall (Nova Esquerra Catalana, Greens/EFA - Catalunya)
- Marisa Matias (Bloco de Esquerda, GUE/NGL – Portugal)
- Liadh Ní Riada (Sinn Fein; GUE/NGL - Ireland)
- Dimitrios Papadimoulis (Vice-President of the EP, Syriza, GUE/NGL - Greece)
- Helmut Scholz (Die Linke, GUE/NGL - Germany)
- Lidia Senra (Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa, GUE/NGL - Galiza)
- Alyn Smith (SNP, Greens/EFA - Scotland)
- Bart Staes (Groen, Greens/EFA – Belgium)
- Neoklis Sylikiotis (AKEL, GUE/NGL - Greece)
- Josep-Maria Terricabras (ERC, Greens/EFA – Catalunya)
- Miguel Urbán (Podemos, GUE/NGL - Spanish State)
- Marie-Christine Vergiat (Front de Gauche, GUE/NGL - French State)
- Tatjana Ždanoka (Latvijas Krievu savienība, Greens/EFA - Latvia)
- Gabi Zimmer (Die Linke, GUE/NGL - Germany)

- Gerry Adams TD
- Maureen O Sullivan TD
- Finian Mc Grath TD
- Lord Alderdice
- James "Jimmy" Barry-Murphy
- Peter Canavan
- Terence (Sambo) Mc Naughton
- Aisling Reilly
- Trevor Hogan
- Lynne Cantwell
- Michael Conroy
- Paul (Dudey) Mc Closkey
- Robert Ballagh
- Danny Devenney / Marty Lyons
- Frances Black
- Damien Dempsey
- Bréag
- Gráinne Holland
- Derek Warfield
- Barry Kerr
- Eoghan Quigg
- Tim Pat Coogan
- Dr Laurence Mc Keown
- Tom Mc Gurk
- Jude Collins
- Dr. Féilim Ó hAdhmail
- Rev Harold Good
- Rev Bill Shaw
- Fr Gerry Reynolds
- Fr Des Wilson
- Patricia Mc Keown
- John Douglas
- Tommy McKearney
- James Connolly Heron
- Mairead Maguire
- Tony Doherty
Spanish State's endorsers to “Free Otegi, bring Basque prisoners home”
Endorsers:- Adolfo Allué Blasco. Militante de Anticapitalistas.
- Agustin Moreno. Profesor y activista de la Lucha por una Escuela Publica.
- Ainhoa Andraka. Productora.
- Aitor Merino. Actor.
- Alberto Garzón. Diputado y Secretario del Proceso Constituyente de Izquierda Unida.
- Alegria Almasa. Diseñadora.
- Alejandro Álvarez. ISI – La Izquierda León.
- Alejandro López Álvarez. PCA de Llangreu.
- Alfonso Sobrino. Militante del PSOE y del Movimiento Ciudadano.
- Almudena Grandes. Escritora.
- Ana Rayo. Actriz
- Ángel Hernández Pardo. Ex-Preso Político Antifranquista.
- Antonio Álvarez Soliz. Periodista y novelista.
- Antonio Criado. Presidente de ISI.
- Antonio Cuartero Martínez. Abogado.
- Antonio Maestre. Periodista.
- Araceli Ortiz Arteaga. Enfermera y Sindicalista
- Arcadi Oliveres Boadella. Economista. Professor D'Economia a la UAB.
- Beatriz Talegon. Somos la Izquierda.
- Begoña Lalana Alonso. Abogada
- Bibiana Gutierrez Ospina. Abogada, Luchadora por la defensa de los Derechos Humanos.
- Carlo Frabetti. Escritor, Matemático y miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de Nueva York.
- Carlos Alvarez. Poeta.
- Carlos Del Rio. Portavoz Estatal de Bases Podemos.
- Carlos Fernandez Liria. Ensayista y Filosofo
- Carlos María Martínez García. Co-Secretario General de Alternativa Socialista (CLI).
- Carlos Olalla. Actor.
- Carlos Slepoy Prada. Abogado especializado en Derechos Humanos.
- Carlos Taibo. Profesor Ciencia Política de la UAM.
- Carlos Villán Durán. Presidente Asoc. Española, Derecho Internacional de los DDHH (AEDIDH).
- Cesar Rodríguez. Portavoz del Frente Amplio Canario.
- Chus Aparicio. Productora Audiovisual.
- Chus Garrido Romero. Pensionista.
- Consuelo Delgado Beistegui. Editora.
- Cristina Maristany. Escritora.
- Diego Cañamero. Militante Sindical.
- Doris Benegas. Izquierda Castellana.
- Elena Martinez López. Izquierda Castellana.
- Enrique Santiago. Diputado Por Unidad Popular/ Izquierda Unida.
- Ernesto Osoro Gorrotxategi. Funcionario Docente.
- Eusebio Gómez Bautista. Bibliotecario.
- Facu Diaz. Guionista.
- Federico Mayor Zaragoza. Profesor, Político. Fue Director General de la UNESCO entre 1987 y 1999.
- Felisa Echegoyen Castanedo. Activista y Socia de “La Comuna”, Ex-Presos/As del Franquismo.
- Félix García Rosillo. Físico.
- Fernando Madina. Reincidentes.
- Francisco Bernete García. Profesor Universidad UCM.
- Gaspar Llamazares. Ex-Coordinador General de IU.
- Gonzalo Puente Ojea. Diplomático Retirado, Ex-Subsecretario de Estado de Exteriores 1982-1985.
- Gustavo Maradini. Abogado especializado en Derechos Humanos.
- Hector Juanatey. Periodista.
- Iñaki Errazkin. Periodista y Escritor.
- Iñaki Font. Actor.
- Ion Arretxe. Director de Arte y Guionista.
- Isaac Rosa. Escritor.
- J.F. Bujarrabal De Las Heras. Asoc. “La Comuna”, Ex-Presos/As del Franquismo.
- J.Mª Lara Fernandez. Asoc. “La Comuna”, Ex-Presos/As del Franquismo.
- Jacinto Lara Bonilla. Abogado y Presidente de la Asociación Pro-Derechos Humanos de España.
- Jaime Beneito Gasset. Miembro Amnistía Internacional.
- Jaime Pastor Verdú. Profesor Ciencia Política de la UNED.
- Jaume Mateu, "Tortell Poltrona". Presidente de Payasos Sin Fronteras.
- Jaume Rodri. Escultor.
- Javier Baeza. Sacerdote en la Diócesis de Madrid.
- Javier Corazon Ardura. Profesor y Activista de la Lucha por una Escuela Pública.
- Javier Couso. Eurodiputado.
- Javier Gallego. Periodista y músico. Director de Carne Cruda
- Javier García Fernández. Miembro del SAT Y CUT.
- Javier Garrido Miralles. Desempleado.
- Javier Madrazo. Ezquerra. Activista por la Resolución Pacífica del Conflicto en Euskadi.
- Joan Garriga. Abogado e Historiador.
- Joan Guitart I Agell. Químico.
- Jordi Sánchez Picanyol. Activista Político-Social.
- Jorge García Castaño. Concejal Ahora Madrid.
- José Esteban. Escritor y Editor de José Bergamín.
- José Ignacio Dominguez. Exmilitar de la Unión Militar Democrática (UMD)
- José Luis Galán Martín. Abogado.
- Jose Luis Uriz. Militante Del PSC.
- José M. Carrascosa, Profesor de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular.
- José Manuel Caballero Bonald. Escritor.
- José Osorio Palazuelos. Sociólogo, jubilado.
- José Ramón González Parada. Sociólogo.
- Josep M. Pijuan Utges. Educador. Activista.
- Juan Diego Boto. Actor y Director.
- Juan José Tamayo Acosta. Profesor universitario.
- Juana León Sánchez. Funcionaria Jubilada.
- Juliá De Jódar. Escritor, Catalunya.
- Julio Anguita. Ex-Coordinador General de IU.
- Julio Flor. Escritor.
- Julio Tuñon Osoro. Militante Comunista.
- Lluís Alòs I Martí. Doctor en Ciencias Económicas por la Universitat de Barcelona.
- Lois Pérez Leira. Coordinador General de la Izquierda.
- Los Chicos Del Maiz.
- Luis García Montero. Poeta.
- Luis J. Prieto Calle. Plataforma Alfon Libertad.
- Luis Ocampo. Izquierda Castellana.
- Luisa Martín. Presidenta de la Federación de Republicanos.
- Mª Carmen Suárez Fernández. Modista.
- Mª Luisa Martín Abia. Abogada.
- Manolo Monereo. Abogado y Activista Político.
- Manu Brabo. Periodista, Premio Pulitzer 2013.
- Manuel Medina. Actor.
- Manuela Bergerot. Periodista.
- Marcos Palomo. Portavoz General del Partido de los Trabajadores de España.
- María L Elguero. Brigada Internacionalista, escudo humano en Iraq. Activista, Escritora, Escultora.
- María Rosa De Madariaga Álvarez-Prida. Historiadora, Ex-Funcionaria Internacional, UNESCO.
- Marina Albiol. Eurodiputada de IU y portavoz de la Izquierda Plural en el Parlamento de Madrid.
- Mario Cortes. Fundador de la Plataforma Estatal Contra la Hepatitis C.
- Marisa Jorba. Escritora.
- Martí Causa. Proces Constituyent. Revista “VIENTO Sur”.
- Mauricio Valiente Ots. Abogado y Concejal en el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, por Ahora Madrid.
- Miguel Manzanera Salavert. Profesor de Filosofía y Activista Político.
- Miguel Torres. Realizador y Humorista.
- Miguel Urban. Eurodiputado de Podemos.
- Moises Blanco López. Izquierda Castellana.
- Montserrat Ponsa Tarres. Periodista.
- Nines Maestro. Militante Comunista.
- Olga Rodriguez. Periodista especializada en Información Internacional y Derechos Humanos.
- Pablo Mayoral Rueda. Impresor y Asoc. “La Comuna”, Ex-Presos/As Del Franquismo.
- Pascual Moreno Torregros. Ingeniero Agrónomo.
- Pascual Serrano. Escritor y Periodista
- Pedro Casas. Activista Vecinal, Sociólogo.
- Pedro Garzón Sánchez. Abogado.
- Pedro López López. Profesor De La Universidad Complutense. Activista De Derechos Humanos.
- Pedro Tostado Sanchez. Sociólogo.
- Pepa Flores “Marisol”.
- Pepe Mejia. Periodista.
- Purificación González de la Blanca. Abogada, Colectivo Internacional Ojos para la Paz.
- Rafael Álvarez Martín. Asociación Ecologistas en Acción de Valladolid.
- Rafael Lacalle Román. Maestro.
- Rafael Pla López. Profesor Jubilado de la Universitat de València.
- Remedios Garcia Alvaro. Activista Social.
- Ricardo Gayol Garcia. Abogado, Área Social IU.
- Roberto Gracia. Cooperativista, Puyalón De Cuchas.
- Rosa Regas. Escritora.
- Santiago Alba Rico. Ensayista y Filósofo.
- Sara Rosenberg. Escritora.
- Segundo Garcia. Autónomo.
- Teresa Aranguren. Periodista.
- Txabi Perez. Actor.
- Victor Claudín. Escritor.
- Víctor Fco. Sampedro Blanco. Catedrático.
- Willy Toledo. Actor.
- Xabier Barber. Sindicalista ESK.
- Xabier Benito. Eurodiputado de Podemos.
- Yogurinha Borova. Transformista.
- Zésar Corella Escario. Puyalón De Cuchas.