When Basque prisoner Arkaitz Bellon died*, he barely had a few months left to complete the whole of his sentence of 15 years for the alleged burning of a bus in Donostia. From that day I began to select some of the teletext of “Tele 5” regarding news items from legal rulings in the Spanish state. These are only a few of them:
03/03/2014 – sentenced to 12 years in prison for STONING TO DEATH a friend in Nijar (Almeria).
05/03/2014 – sentenced to 3 years in prison for ATTACKING his girlfriend in Cantabria.
13/03/2014 – sentenced to 4 years in prison for sexually abusing a 6 year-old girl in Linares (Jaen).
10/03/2014 – sentenced to 4 years in prison a security guard in Macarena (Seville) for trying to rape a companion.
15/04/2014 – the Supreme Court sentences someone to 9 years in prison for trying to KILL his girlfriend with electric shocks.
18/05/2014 – sentenced to 12 years in prison for stabbing to DEATH a man in Seville.
Pedro Cuevas spent 4 years in prison of the 17 that he was sentenced for KILLING Guillem Agulló (a leftwing youngster killed by a recognised extreme right fascist in Valencia) .
And in this way we can make a never ending list… and so in Seville stabbing someone to death is paid with 12 years in prison and burning a bus in Donostia it’s 15 years (of COMPLETE fulfilment).
Justice is equal for everyone, they say. These are the facts, you can make your own conclusions.
*Arkaitz Bellon, a 36 year-old Basque prisoner died in jail a few months before his release. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison for being accused of burning a local bus.