Author Archives: admin

Arnaldo Otegi to be released tomorrow, 1st March

Arnaldo Otegi will be released tomorrow from the Prison of Logroño after a 6,5 years sentence.

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Angela Davis stopped from visiting Arnaldo Otegi

Last Sunday 7th February Angela Davis tried to visit Arnaldo Otegi in the Prison of Logroño. Despite having fulfilled all the legal request in December, Angela was refused entrance by the Spanish Military Police in the gate of Logroño’s prison.

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Song: Free Otegi Free Them All

EN: The campaign “Free Otegi – Free Them All” wants to take another step forward and transform a call for freedom into a freedom song. To do this, musicians, singers and artists from Euskal Herria have joined this international campaign to record a song and a video clip they want to spread worldwide. A sum of voices to respond to the attempt to silence a voice. Singing to claim the right to speak.


Support from Ecuador for the liberation of Arnaldo Otegi and Basque prisoners

Yesterday afternoon, 15 October, the presentation of the Ecuadoran signers of the “International Declaration Free Otegi, Bring Basque Prisoners Home” in the Ocho y Media cinema of Quito.

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Launch of the Free Otegi Kantuz (Singing) Initiative

The campaign “Free Otegi – Free Them All” wants to take another step forward and transform a call for freedom into a freedom song. To do this, musicians, singers and artists from Euskal Herria have joined this international campaign to record a song and a video clip they want to spread worldwide. A sum of voices to respond to the attempt to silence a voice. Singing to claim the right to speak.

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